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Cultural sovereignty beyond the modern state : space, objects, and media
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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Local self-governance in Aniquity and in the Global South : theoretical and empirical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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The nucleus of society is situated at the local level: in the village, the neighborhood, the city district. This is where a community first develops collective rules that are intended to ensure its continued existence. The contributors look at such configurations in geographical areas and time periods that lie outside of the modern Western world with its particular development of society and statehood: in Antiquity and in the Global South of the present. Here states tend to be weak, with obvious challenges and opportunities for local communities. How does governance in this context work? Scholars from various disciplines (Classics, Theology, Political Science, Sociology, Social Anthropology, Human Geography, Sinology) analyze different kinds of local arrangements in case studies, and they do so with a comparative approach. The sixteen papers examine the scope and spatial contingency of forms of self-governance; its legitimization and the collective identity of the groups behind them; the relations to different levels of state governance as well as to other local groups. Overall, this volume makes an interdisciplinary contribution to a better understanding of fundamental elements of local governance and statehood.


Sovereignty --- Philosophy. --- History.

Critique of Sovereignty, Book 1: Contemporary Theories of Sovereignty
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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Using the Western tradition of metaphysical and political thought as a backdrop, Critique of Sovereignty (a work in 4 volumes) re-examines the concept of sovereignty in order to better understand why our ethical values and technical capacities often seem so divorced from our lived realities. On the one hand, ostensibly self-enclosed entities like the nation-state and the person are rhetorically bolstered as sites of technical agency and/or moral responsibility. On the other hand, these same entities appear fragile -- if not purely fictional -- in relation to ever ongoing tidal processes such as the migration, diffusion, and conglomeration of bodies, capital, ideas, etc. While some of our institutions might work some of the time, they always seem to work differently than we like to think they do. Accordingly, the forging of more humane institutions might very well entail if not require ways of thinking that strive to undo the self-imagined binds, exceptions, and sureties of thought for the sake of embracing a continuity with all that withers, decays, and falls away. Book I, "Contemporary Theories of Sovereignty," compares the varied interpretations of sovereignty given by a range of 20th-century political theorists (Maritain, Foucault, Derrida, Schmitt, Agamben, Hardt, and Negri) with Jean Bodin's initial outline of the concept, rendered at the outset of modern political thought in the 16th century. The analytic framework of sovereignty encountered in these comparative readings provides an initial point of departure for unfolding a method of critique appropriate to the concept of sovereignty. Sovereignty is an ideal starting point for a critique of the deadlocks between thought and reality for a simple reason: it doesn't actually exist. When it serves as a guide to action, sovereignty may be regarded as a particularly captivating fantasy. The closer it appears, the further it recedes, and, too often, the more vigorously it is pursued.

Subaltern sovereigns : rituals of rule and regeneration in Highland Odisha, India
Year: 2023 Publisher: Boston : De Gruyter,

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The vast and ancient topic of kingship in India has mostly been studied from the perspectives of rulers and other elites. But what constitutes sovereignty viewed from "below"? This book -- ethnographic and comparative in its essence -- deals with indigenous conceptualizations of sovereignty taking as its starting point a local proverb that connects the ritual (Dasara) of the king with festivals performed by his "tribal" subjects. The first part of the book initially introduces some pan-Indian ideas of kingship and proceeds to discuss indigenous notions of sovereignty as represented in rituals and myths in the region concerned (highland Odisha). The second part is devoted to the investigation of the proverbial performances. Mainly based on historical sources first the Dasara festival of the king is discussed, subsequently the indigenous rituals are described and analyzed, which the author ethnographically documented around the turn of the millennium. Ultimately, the proverb and the rituals constitute the idea of a sacrificial polity in which rulers and ruled share sovereignty in the sense that they are co-responsible for the flow of life.

Quasi-states : sovereignty, international relations, and the Third World /.
Year: 1990 Publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge university press

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Terror and territory : the spatial extent of sovereignty
ISBN: 0816654832 0816654840 9780816654833 9780816654840 Year: 2009 Publisher: Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press

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"Today's global politics demands a new look at the concept of territory. From so-called deterritorialized terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda to U.S.-led overthrows of existing regimes in the Middle East, the relationship between territory and sovereignty is under siege. Unfolding an updated understanding of the concept of territory, Stuart Elden shows how the contemporary "war on terror" is part of a widespread challenge to the connection between the state and its territory." "Although the importance of territory has been disputed under globalization, territorial relations have not come to an abrupt end. Rather, Elden argues, the territory/sovereignty relation is being reconfigured. Traditional geopolitical analysis is transformed into a critical device for interrogating hegemonic geopolitics after the Cold War, and is employed in the service of reconsidering discourses of danger that include "failed states," disconnection, and terrorist networks." "Looking anew at the "war on terror"; the development and application of U.S. policy; the construction and demonization of rogue states; events in Lebanon, Somalia, and Pakistan; and the wars continuing in Afghanistan and Iraq, Terror and Territory demonstrates how a critical geographical analysis, informed by political theory and history, can offer an urgently needed perspective on world events."--BOOK JACKET.

Soberania e ingerência na Amazônia brasileira
ISBN: 9788579820472 Year: 2010 Publisher: SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein

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The objective of this work is to raise and introduce some problems of scientific and humanistic interest in relation to the themes, reflect a little, and perhaps propose ways to elucidate some problems that may arise during this journey. It is, in any case, a preliminary analysis, to be deepened in due time and with the required competence.

On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions
ISBN: 178093355X Year: 2014 Publisher: London, England : Bloomsbury Academic,

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"Global forces are eroding the ability of states to exert sovereign control over their populations, territories, and borders. Yet when dominated subjects across the world dream of freedom, they continue to conceive of it in sovereign terms. Sovereign freedom haunts the imagination of oppressed ethnic minorities, popular masses ruled by foreign powers or homegrown tyrants, indigenous peoples, and individuals chafing under customary or governmental restrictions. On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions draws on political theory and on two case studies -- the encounter between Anglo-American settlers and Native American tribes, and the search for Jewish sovereignty in Palestine -- to probe the allure of the idea of sovereign freedom and its self-defeating logic. It concludes by shifting its sights from political to economic sovereign power and by pursuing intimations of non-sovereign freedom in the contemporary age."--

Pop the Nation : Die Nation als Ressource und Argument in Kulturen populärer Unterhaltung und Vergnügung
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3830996144 3830946147 Year: 2023 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Waxmann Verlag,

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Wie veralltäglichen die populären Kulturen Nationales und Nationalismus? Wie durchdringen sich Unterhaltung, Vergnügung und das Nationale im Alltag und welche Bedeutungsverschiebungen, Resonanzräume und Medienpraxen entstehen so? In sechzehn Beiträgen durchdringt dieser Tagungsband das oft mythisch-vage und emotionale Verhältnis von Populärkultur und Nationalem mit konkreten Fallstudien. Der Blick liegt auf der herausragenden Rolle der Unterhaltungs- und Vergnügungskulturen als Schnittstelle zwischen nationalen Makropolitiken und den (vor-)politischen Alltagspraxen breiter Bevölkerungsteile. Theoretische Überlegungen zu Populärkultur, Nation und Nationalismus bilden den Rahmen für diesen Zugang, der zugleich einen Überblick über aktuelle empirisch-kulturwissenschaftliche und europäisch-ethnologische Positionen zum Thema bietet.

New trends in technologies : control, management, computational intelligence and network systems
ISBN: 9535157310 953307213X Year: 2010 Publisher: IntechOpen

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The grandest accomplishments of engineering took place in the twentieth century. The widespread development and distribution of electricity and clean water, automobiles and airplanes, radio and television, spacecraft and lasers, antibiotics and medical imaging, computers and the Internet are just some of the highlights from a century in which engineering revolutionized and improved virtually every aspect of human life. In this book, the authors provide a glimpse of the new trends of technologies pertaining to control, management, computational intelligence and network systems.

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